My name is Suzanne.
I am a professional watercolour artist, creates vibrant and evocative paintings of nature and the world we live in.
I am very passionate about the medium and believe that it is a very powerful way to express our feelings. The bright, translucent quality of watercolours is perfect for portraying any emotions we are in.
I must say that, it is not one of the easiest mediums. Watercolour cannot be controlled or manipulated like other mediums and its beauty and magic is something that needs to be experienced. And I am here to help you experience this unexplainable joy of painting!
Be inspired to begin a creative process
As a busy mother of two young children, painting is a way, I relax and unwind. I love the fact that the flow of pigment on paper is something that cannot be controlled. Over the years , I have been able to relate this particular quality of watercolours to my own life. Just like watercolours, our life is not something that we can always control. Most of the time, we have to let go of little things and just go with the flow so that we can enjoy the world we live in.
The realisation of life in comparison to watercolours makes my experience with the medium very relaxing and therapeutic. As an artist and instructor, I am here to guide you with this medium and develop skills in drawing and painting that will help to create your own style and continue with your creative process. I love to help others experience the joy of painting through guided tutorials and workshops.